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The Crickett Report

by brian crickett


Look For Brian Crickett's Next Monthly Edition at the end of  January 2016

NASA Lying? NAhh....Maybe?



  I want to first welcome the newest member to the Literal Bible Team! Ms. and Evangelist Dina Amelia Kalmeta. She is a great Evangelist and Bible Scholar! I know you will enjoy her videos!! Welcome aboard Dina!



  In this months Crickett Report we are going to cover some HOT Controversial topics. Some of you will flat out reject it. Some of you will agree and have probably held the views, that are going to be presented, longer than myself. I will give you all some links so you can look further into these views that I believe are true and can be Biblically backed up. I will try to do just that. With that being said. Like the song by The Cars says, Lets GO!!! 


  There has been, in the last few years especially, heated arguments about NASA flat out lying about everything! A NASA insider said they didn't lie about some things. They lied about EVERYTHING! They lied about the nature of Earth, our solar system and the nature of the universe which constitutes everything in our realm. They know not about Gods realm, thankfully, to start lying about that. Our universe being Gods realm too.I supposed they did lie about it but what I mean is what our natural eyes can see as to what our realm is. 


  Here is a hotly debate topic. That is the true shape of the Earth. We have been taught in school and for the past 600-700 years that the Earth was round like a basketball. Before that, for thousands of years;people thought the Earth was flat! Columbus though he might just sail right off the edge of the Earth! Brave man he was . Ancient civilizations probably knew the Earths true shape. I can't prove that but I think some ancient civilizations were much more advanced than we are today.


There seems to be evidence of that too.We are playing catch up because of knowledge that has been suppressed or even lost over millennia. 

  I think that the Earth isn't flat nor is it round like a ball. I posit that the Earth is concave like an upside down contact lens. Why do I think this? Believe me! There have been many sleepless nights over the past 30 years contemplating this.I first heard this idea from reading Discover and Scientific American Magazines when I was in college. They were required reading in my field of study.


Strangely enough I was not in the Astronomy field. I was in the medical field but those magazines covered a gamete of topics. There was an article in one of the magazines and I can't remember which one now but it was about rectilinear measurements, taken in the 1800's, that proved a concave Earth in their opinion. I came to share that opinion. Then came along laser measurements. Now, if you pointed a laser along the plane of the ground; you would expect the laser to leave the plane and go off into space. It doesn't. In several hundred miles the beam gets closer and closer to the ground until it hits the Earth.


Think about that. What conclusion do you come to? Here is a link to a video by Crrow777, on You Tube, that shows Stellarium in it. I suggest you download Stellarium if you are interested in this topic. It  shows the Earth as concave. That is the only way they can get the stars in the correct position, that you can see with the naked eye, without the Earth getting in the way of what you can actually see if you go outside and look at the night sky!  This video brings up another point that NASA hasn't been exactly truthful about. 


   Not only does the video show Stellarium's shape of the Earth. It shows of an event that is going to take place December 7,2015. Venus is going to be occulted by the moon. That means blocked out. The moon is going to be going from full to new. When going from new to a full moon there have been many reports of Venus shining thru the moon. I hope, being the moon is going from new to full; we will be able to see Venus thru it. What is up with this?? Is the moon not what we have been told it is? I think it is not. How could Venus shine thru the moon if it were a solid rock?


God said that He put 2 LIGHTS in the sky. One to rule the day (Sun.) One to rule the night (Moon.) God says the moon is a light and I say the moon doesn't get its light to Earth from reflecting the sun's light. The moon has it's own light! That is a different argument for another article though. 

  We might see Venus thru the moon and we might not. Venus,planets in general, is another thing NASA has lied about. Is Venus solid? When you see this footage you might think it isn't! How is it that we can see the blue sky thur Venus as it appears in the morning sky? How is it that we can see the sun thru Venus? It is laughable how that the European Space Agency, that lies equally with NASA, put up a fake video of Venus going across the sun bobbing up and down! Just wait til you see the video. You will be laughing and scratching your head. Could it be that the planets are lights like a light bulb? Could it be that Venus is filled with gas like a neon light bulb? It sure looks like it to me!! Look for yourself! 


   This is the last thing I am going to get into today. Do you think the Earth rotates? According to what you saw on Stellarium, if you downloaded it and looked at the earth and Sun, then put them in motion. Its not hard to look into this and see the lies that we have been taught. The Sun moves right with all the other stars (lights) and constellations (groups of lights) around the Earth! If you got in a helicopter and went straight up and sat there for 6 hours and sat right back down. Would the Earth have rotated out from under you? Or would you set down in the same place you went up from? Why does it take as long to go East to West from New York to Los Angeles as it does to go West  to East from LA to NY? Just something to think about! Here is a site just for giggles! 


  Now what does all this mean and how does it affect us? Your life isn't going to change weather you believe the Earth is round, flat, concave or square. If you knew why NASA lied about this and how and why the people in the know use this to their advantage. Your life just might change!! 

  Ecclesiastes 7:12 (paraphrased)Wisdom and money are a defense but he excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom that giveth life to those who have it. Have you ever heard of any  of the elite or high government officials dying of say, CANCER? I can't think of any right off hand except Ronald Reagan. He was cured. They all seem to be around forever then die of old age! I remember Henry Kissinger when I was a kid.


He was old then and he is still kicking and active 50 years later! 

Jude 1:4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Sound like any people you have heard of?


Jude 1:16 These are murmurers,complainers, walking after their own lust; and speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in an admiration because of ADVANTAGE. "They" know how to use the knowledge that is kept from us! Jude 1:19 These be those who separate themselves,sensual, having not the Spirit. 

  The deception runs so deep for a reason but many will not believe they have been deceived! There are 2 ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true. The other is to refuse to believe what is true. Soren Kierkegaan Philosopher (1813-1855.)  Its easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.  Mark Twain. 


 Til next month. God Bless you and keep you from harm. Love God! Love Each Ot


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