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Betty AKA Bea or Beebah

Ripley AKA Pippers or Pipper Anne or Pips, but mostly it's "You little Menace"!


Keee-err-ripes, I knew this a minute ago, right before I started tearing into this little dime-bag of cat weed!

Me...mmm...nn...oh ya Meow!


We found Oliver at the side of an old dirt, country road. He was about a week maybe two weeks old he was obviously a ferrel barn cat, and I figure his mother kicked him out of the nest because he was really,really sick.

His eye and nose were pretty much sealed shut and caked with infection. He had foam around his tiny mouth and you could actually count every one of his ribs.


It was really weird because I happened to see a tiny black shape in the tall weeds in the ditch off the side of this old farmers's road, and it peaked my curiosity for whatever reason, and I asked my wife if she saw it, and she didn't. I stoped and backed up to where I saw it, and we didn't see anything and I almost drove on, bt I just asked my wife to open the door, because it was on her side.


When she opened the door, this tiny little black furry sprang from the ditch weeds and ran straight to my wife and actually climbed up her legs!!

It was almost spooky!!

So we decided to take the little guy to the vett immediately.


The vet told us we should really put him out of his misery, because he was in such bad shape that none of us thought he should even be alive, and that he would surely die through the night.

But I just couldn't do it..well, we couldn't because he fought his way from the old broken down abandoned barn, across a couple of hundred yards of over grown field, where I'm amazed he was picked off by a hawm, eagle, coyote or wolf etc, and he was determined to get into our van. I felt like this was God's dooing. So we paid outrageous money for meds, and we kept Oliver segregated from the other pets for six weks and he battled like a warrior and he made it!!


Against all odds Oliver grew, and grew and grew to 26 plus pounds!! We have Olly after 13 or 14 years now and he is a beautifyl cheeky boy!!

He spends his days laying on his fat back swatting at anyone who dares passes by his dinner table kingdom!!

One if his absolute favourite things to do is swat anything that is put on his table onto the floor!!

He is a strong buggar too, and he swats cases of 24 bottles of water off no sweat!!


Occasionally we just forget and we'll leave something on his kingdom table, and we'll suddenly hear an almmighty crash and we instantly know Oliver has hoofed something off the table...again!!


iOlliver is in great health dispite his 26 pound frame, and we don't see any sigh of him showing age whatsoever!

I was not really a cat nperson, but my wife loves cats, and so I fell for our Hymilayan Flame point cat Bugsy.

He was my constant buddy, never left me alone and was always jumping up on the couch and on my lap, and I could skoot him down and he would just turn right around immediatly and jump straight back up, even if I attempted to rid myself of this furry appendage ten times in a row!!


We lost old Bugsy when he died from old age at 17 years, and that one really stung. It's been about three years and I still think of that boy and miss him very much.

Some of Our Best Pals!

If people were as loyal, loving and forgiving as dogs are, the world would be wonderous - With Almighty, Holy King  Jesus in command, and an edless supply of fire hydrants and nylon bones for all! The whole bum sniffing thing would need to be renegotiated but in the grand scheme of things, everything else would be incredible! In the immortal words of that canine, gate keeper, warrior Sir Vitamous ...

Lead dawg

john von bronzesnake

Dexter AKA "Doo" and Sexy Dexy the Ladies Man!

Bumby my boy!

Our wedding gift to ourselves - "Salem" our first Doberman

Hey, how did my sweet, sweet guitar pic get on this page?


You there! Yes the dumb one...Pap - fetch me a large milk bone and be quick about it!

Ahhh...wasn't me!

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