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Atheists & Christians Need To Stop This Dangerous Thought!


It's not good enough that our children are being taught the theory of evolution as though it were a proven fact. It's not good enough that God has been booted out of schools. It's not good enough that our churches are no longer teaching the Truth of scripture, and are being forced to marry gay people. It's not good enough that we also now have gay pastors and priests.


None of that is good enough for Bill Nye, the I know it all guy. This man actually believes he has the right to dictate to parenst what to teach and not to teach our own children! This is the height of arrogance!


Now if a guy like Bill Nye ever gets his way, regardless of whether you agree with his world view of evolutionism, then what's to stop the next Bill Nye, who may not agree with your world view from forcing you to brainwash YOUR children against your will?

This is an extremely dangerous line of thinking,where Bill Nye actually believes his world view so strongly, right, or wrongly, that he actually believes he should take over YOUR parental control and force YOUR children to think like he does!


Are we actually at this place in America? Firs we are forced to accept that "science" WILL NOT allow any scientific study of the possibility of design, not based on any less than because the evolutionists don't believe in it. We didn't believe in germs or DNA until we discovered it through open and encouraged scientific study! THINK people, before you slam the door and discover it's locked from the inside and we are ALL trapped in!


American, the West, used to condemn Communists dogma. What the hell happened to change us?!

When did America become a nation no longer of the "free"? When did we decide Americans are no longer FREE to believe whatever we want to believe, or study whatever we want to study, or the idea of scientific endeavour where ever that takes us?!

WAKE UP! Evolutionists, if you support this, you are guilty of killing the America our forefathers faught and died for! Their blood will be in vain!


Nye believes in evolution, even though more and more scientists are admitting publically that there is zero evidence to corroborate the hypothisis!


Where does this guy get off telling Christian parents we can't teach Christ to our own children!?

This is just one of the many outrageous, and extremely dangerous attitudes, which are based on the growing belief that evolution has been thoroughly vetted and found to be the word of god!


Combine that outright lie, with the fact that the U.S. political system has been thoroughly, and completely taken over by the world's wealthiest people, who are a shadow kingdom calling all the shots, and running the show.


It's not a secret that mysterious private meetings are being held by groups such as the Bilderburgs every four yeasr in different cities all over the world.

The most wealthiest and powerful people are only invited, and in spite of American law, making it illegal for sitting presidents to attend any private, or secret meetings where the public are not made aware of any details, there is a long list of presidents who have attended these meetings.


In fact, every presidental candidate, very possibly right from the very earliest political age of America, has been selected at these meetings. Every president in the history of America have also been members of the ultra rich, and secret skull and bones society.


The U.S. constitution is irrellevant and the enconomy is on the very edge of total destruction. This financial collapse is by design, and when the time is just right, the plug will be pulled, and the world will fall into a deep dark, evil era, where an insidious world leader will rise up and "save" us all, just in the nivk of time.


Bill Nye is most certainly ignorant to what is actually happening, and he is just one of many who are being given a stage, to be used as a puppet in order to further the New World Order's evil agenda.


The signs are here my friends, let's be ontop of it, and always ready to fight on the side of justice, honour and almighty Truth - Jesus Christ!


Here's What Some Evolution Scientists Are Saying

 Dr. Etheridge, Paleontologist of the British Museum


"Nine-tenths of the talk of evolutionists is sheer nonsense, not founded on observation and wholly unsupported by facts. This museum is full of proofs of the utter falsity of their views. In all this great museum, there is not a particleof evidence of the transmutation of species."


 Dr. Albert Fleischmann, University of Erlangen


"I reject evolution because I deem it obsolete; because the knowledge, hard won since 1830, of anatomy, histology, cytology, and embryology, cannot be made to accord with its basic idea. The foundationless, fantastic edifice of the evolution doctrine would long ago have met with its long- deserved fate were it not that the love of fairy tales is so deep-rooted in the hearts of man."


 Luther Sunderland

Darwin's Enigma page 10


"By the late 1970s, debates on university campuses throughout the free world were being held on the subject of origins with increasing frequency. Hundreds of scientists, who once accepted the theory of evolution as fact, were abandoning ship and claiming that the scientific evidence was in total support of the theory of creation. Well-known evolutionists, such as Isaac Asimov and Stephen Jay Gould, were stating that, since the creationist scientists had won all of the more than one hundred debates, the evolutionists should not debate them."


Dr. L. Harrison Matthews

in the introduction to the 1971 edition of Darwin's Origin of Species


"The fact of evolution is the backbone of biology, and biology is thus in the peculiar position of being a science founded on an unproved theory -- is it then a science or faith? Belief in the theory of evolution is thus exactly parallel to belief in special creation.


Dr. Niles Eldridge,

Curator of Invertebrate Paleontology at the American Museum



"I admit that an awful lot of that has gotten into the textbooks as though it were true. For instance, the most famous example still on exhibit downstairs (in the American Museum) is the exhibit on horse evolution prepared perhaps 50 years ago. That has been presented as literal truth in textbook after textbook. Now I think that that is lamentable, particularly because the people who propose these kinds of stories themselves may be aware of the speculative nature of some of the stuff. But by the time it filters down to the textbooks, we've got science as truth and we've got a problem."



Late Dr. William Howells.

was a professor of anthropology at Harvard University.


"There are missing links aplenty in the ancestry of man . . .
This is why  the paleontologists appease themselves  with a rigged-up,
unspecified Tarsius for an original ancestor; and even if we accept this
we still have to use the arboreal theory as a cockhorse
on which to ride the rest of the  way up to meet
the monkeys and the apes."

Darwin Expected Innumerable Transitional Forms, but they Do not Exist


Here is what I consider the most important excerpt of the book:

“Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms.”

After more than 150 years of digging, searching, and studying, more and more evolution scientists are turning away from the hypothis because of a complete lack of evidence. I will post just a very few of the dozens which can be studied through Google search

Here is an extremely dangerous situation which puts everyone involved in extremely dangerous jeopardy.


These investigators claim to be Cghristian, and you'll see them with open Bible's commanding demons to leave the family alone, and leave the home in the name of Jesus Christ.


Sound just about right doesn;t it? Until you discover these very same investigators also believe in deceased human "hauntings" which the Bible is very unambiguous abnout in several warnings which make it clear, anyone involved in this stuff - where you are making contact with the dead, or getting psychics to help you, whether that be in attempting to contact the "spirits" to see who they are and what they want, or to tell you what your future will bring it's all the same to God.


If you think you're a medium, or psychic or you have some "gift" in seeing the "dead" whatever, you are in very seriosu danger of losing your eternal salvation, and sp[endong that eternaity in Hell along with the very demons who you were conversing with as long gone beloved aunt Tilly!


It doesn't matter whether you are a Christian or not, any who are involved either directly, or anyone associating with any who are involved in talking to the dead, or having psycic "impressions" reading tea leaves, or using tarot cards, any of that, will lose their salvation.

Now I have attempted to contact these "investagators" on two occassions, and I know they received both messages, but they did not reply. That's fine because my conscience is clear.


If they believe they have any authority over "spirits" either human or otherwise, they are sadly mistaken.

Once you are into contacting, or talking to what you think are dead people, you lose all authority from God.


Now remember, these are NOT your dead loved ones! You are placing yourself, and whoever else is in your home, as well as any who are "helping" you deal with these spirits in grave danger!!


You need to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you and to clean you of any spirit attachment. If you suspect you, or some other person has an attachment, then get to a Bible believing pastor as fast as you can.


I strongly recomend you do not go to a Catholic priest, for reasons I won't get into here.


Remeber, these are extremely powerful fallen beings and you are no match for even the weakest of them.

These are extremely cunning and will actually stop open haunting after being "commanded" to leave by someone who has been addressing these demons as human spirits.


Why? Because the scriptures clearly state that once a person dies, they do NOT come back in spirit. So if it appears that a "ghost hunter" type person or group has actually rid your home of them, then guess what your opinion of scriptures is going to be?


Their main goal is to cause you to lose your salvation from Jesus Christ, and once you begin to doubt scripture, they know they have you. Mission accomplished!


DO NOT be foolish!

Other more powerful and milicious demons will attempt to get inside you - if you suspect this has happened to you or someone you know, get them to a Bible believing pastor immediately!


If you suspect you have a "haunting" in your home and you have not been abale to get help please contact us and we will see to it that you get councelling (information as to what you can do right now) and we will work to getting a Bible believing pastor to your home as fast as possible.


In cases which are in our area, we will come to your home and help you learn what needs to be done. We will help get rid of the haunting spirit, and we will make sure we leave you with the tools to deal with them should they return.


We can be contacted via the "Contact Us" link on every page.

Click the "GHOST DEMONS? link at the top of the page for several clear scriptures which will corroborate waht I have said here.


If you believe you have a demonic haunting, you should NOT seek out any "paranormal" group

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