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The Jewel Report

                                                                           eric jewel


AUDIT THE FEDERAL RESERVE? ...Sorry Congress already made a complete audit of the Fed illegal!


 The Frederal Reserve itself makes the claim that they have been audited MANY times. This comes from one of their reserve bank sites...



Are the Federal Reserve System and Reserve Banks ever audited?


The Board of Governors, the Federal Reserve Banks, and the Federal Reserve System as a whole are all subject to several levels of audit and review. Under the Federal Banking Agency Audit Act (enacted in 1978 as Public Law 95-320), which authorizes the Comptroller General of the United States to audit the Federal Reserve System, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has conducted numerous reviews of Federal Reserve activities. In addition, the Board's Office of Inspector General (OIG) audits and investigates Board programs and operations as well as those Board functions delegated to the Reserve Banks. Completed and active GAO reviews and completed OIG audits, reviews, and assessments are listed in the Board’s Annual Report (before 2002, the reviews were listed in the Board's Annual Report: Budget Review).


The Board's financial statements, and its compliance with laws and regulations affecting those statements, are audited annually by an outside auditor retained by the OIG. The financial statements of the Reserve Banks are also audited annually by an independent outside auditor. In addition, the Reserve Banks are subject to annual examination by the Board. The Board's financial statements and the combined financial statements for the Reserve Banks are published in the Board's Annual Report."
End Quote


Notice the wording doesnt EVER say that the federal reserve is FULLY audited. They can ONLY be PARTIALLY audited and "reviewed". This is just cleverly designed BS basicly... a blatant lie by design, though they are telling somewhat the truth... its a misdirection to prevent a public outcry


While they claim to have been audited several times by the GAO, The Government Accounting Office does not have complete access to all aspects of the Federal Reserve System.
The law excludes the following areas from GAO inspections


(31 USCA §714):


(1) transactions for or with a foreign central bank, government of a foreign country, or nonprivate international financing organization;


(2) deliberations, decisions, or actions on monetary policy matters, including discount window operations, reserves of member banks, securities credit, interest on deposits, open market operations;


(3) transactions made under the direction of the Federal Open Market Committee; or


(4) a part of a discussion or communication among or between members of the Board of Governors and officers and employees of the Federal Reserve System related to items.


Lets really look at this


1) we are 20 trillion dollars in debt to the federal reserve alone. Do you realize how much that is? We cant even service the interest on our debt and the result is that the federal reserve now has ALL of our gold reserves, and foreign nations are buying up our infrastructure like ports, toll roads, water and sewage plants etc. Many people dont realize it but we are slowly having to sell off our nation just to stay afloat


2) The federal reserve system... i know most people have some idea how it works but i dont think people recognize the ramifications, and actually i question whether or not many are actually aware of that the fed ever is.
The fed isnt federal at all. It is OWNED by private bankers. Now think about this. We USEDto print and coin out own money. In 1913 however, during christmas break when nearly no one was in congress, a session was called and a very few men passed the federal reserve act while those who were against it were away and couldnt vote. Fishy eh?
Now heres what happens


Without the federal reserve our nation would coin its own money and very little cost, and then this money would be loaned to the banks. This means that EVERY cent we created made an automatic profit for our country.


Now its just the opposite. Private bankers print our money, base its value on DEBT... think about this. Now we BORROW our own money at interest. If EVERY CENT we borrow is borrowed with interest, we HAVE TO keep borrowing just to try to pay it off, becuse we can never be ahead to the point to pay it off entirely without debt. This is an abyss that will sink us and we can never crawl out of it... we are destined to default its absolutely inevitable.


This is why we now find ourselves in debt to the tune of over 20 trillion dollars... this is why we have to keep selling our infrastructure. And after all this is sold what are we to do? Will we the citizens be part of the 'collateral' thats foreclosed on? So the banks prosper by receiving ALL the assets we put up as collateral, and they in reality had no stake in it... they get somehting for nothing... they get EVERYTHING for next too nothing


Case in point, JP Morgan Chace. 8 years ago, when large major banks were failing people missed the act of theft perpetrated on us.... we are a fairly nonobservant and ignorant people in many respects. Heres what happened


The government seized the failed banks. This became government property. Now though these banks had failed, they STILL had assets. So what did the government do? In just ONE SALE (and there were several) JP Morgan purchased 300 BILLION dollars worth of ASSETS... homes businesses and such that had been foreclosed on. for only 2 BILLION DOLLARS.... 3/4th of one cent on the dollar.... what then happened? AMERICANS bought the debt... we bailed them out at our expence and received nothing in return... someone explain to me... if this isnt a conspriacy to make the rich richer by draining us of all our resources, then what exactly is it? I cant and dont accept that our politicians are just that stupid... i submit they are just that bought and paid for by forces other than the american people


What happened to the failed banks? NOT ONE damn thing, they opened the next day business as usual, enriching the ultra rich mega banks, and further draining the american people dry


In my opinion we are fools for putting up with this and we deserve what we have coming because we dont have the intelligence to even take a serious look at this as a nation, an add to this we dont even have the gumption to stand and speak up and fight for ourselves as a whole...


 Now lets consider another aspect... creating money out of thin air!


Theres an old saying "you cant get something for nothing". This is in error. The federal reserve and banks do it EVERY DAY when they foreclose on an asset. Where did the money that LOANED us come from? IT IS SIMPLY PUNCHED INTO A COMPUTER AND CREATED... it wasnt there yesterday, didnt exist, but now today they punch in more numbers and BINGO we have more cash... loaned to us at interest. POOF there it is... from nothing... and we trade our living and our homes and businesses, ALL our assets for this worthless shit created from nothing out of thin air... Only a fool couldnt see this is robbery and rape.


Lets be clear. They have NEVER ever been audited and reviewed in ANY sort of a complete fashion AND BY LAW, our congress and senate has assured that they never will be.  ANY sort of audit will only be a pacification and a fraud.


Instead of an audit, lets kick'em where it hurts and TAKE THEIR POWER TO PROFIT AT OUR DEMISE!!!  DESTROY the fed, ARREST our legislators as traitors to America, RENEG on what we owe the fed, and RESTORE the power to create our money BACK TO the people.








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